Amazing Presentation, Music's Sensual, drawings are amazing, it'd be my pleisure to give you hand, tell me if you need anything, this project has to reach the sky high
She's Hot as hell
Amazing Presentation, Music's Sensual, drawings are amazing, it'd be my pleisure to give you hand, tell me if you need anything, this project has to reach the sky high
She's Hot as hell
The Pilot
The Pilot's style is awesome but somthing's missing. up to you to find it ;) -1 for waiting the real series ^^.
That's Life !
It's a nice representation of what is life, good work about that. but you should have let him die by the time instead of suicide so you would have shown why are we living :D what do we get at the end :D
Nicely made, Nice story and it's EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENS IN REAL LIFE. i seen me in this guy
Way too short and simple !
In this short animation you did simple things, moving sprites and make 2 - 3 effects, you dign't worked on it. repeating the same sequences like the moment where sanji is being pinned by zorro's attack, or when zorro is kick'd (you repeated twice sanji's kick animation) and falls 2 times between the same 4 waypoints.
work on it harder next time
you're dangerous
Lol you and your friends have such a imagination, but still you should have made more videos, it's sad to see that there is no moar :'(
Face Noob
Death to those Face book weetards
NonSense !
those are the points for the graphics, but i think you should give more sense to this so it'll be better, give it a better story. Notice that i'm not trying arguing about your likes/dislikes.
Creative !
You've got some of those imaginations man, Nice job. What a pity at the end =P
Nice use of the FF7 Turk's music by the way.
Some fun time !
Even if your animations are really cool and fun they still remain a bit too short, but still, its a nice work !
I'll work for coffee
Age 35, Male
Cool School
Joined on 1/3/10